Cantina is committed to creating a safe and welcoming environment, strictly prohibiting nudity, sexually explicit material, and any content that exploits, harms, or takes advantage of others for sexual gratification. Violations of these policies may result in account restrictions, suspension, or termination
What violates this policy?
Exploitative Sexual Behavior
You cannot share or promote content that exploits, harms or takes advantage of others for sexual purposes. -
Nudity and Sexual Content
We strictly prohibit sexual content involving individuals under 18, reporting such cases to NCMEC and cooperating with law enforcement. Public rooms must not feature live streams, photos, or videos depicting nudity, sex, pornography, or sexually suggestive content.
What is not a violation of this policy?
We understand artistic and educational content may sometimes showcase nudity, and we will make exceptions for this type of content as long as it does not violate our community guidelines. We reserve the right to remove any content we determine to be inappropriate or violating this policy.
How can I report violations of this policy?
If you experience or observe exploitation, sexual content, or nudity that violates this policy, please report it so our team can review it and take appropriate action. We take all reports of exploitation, sexual content, and nudity seriously, whether they come directly from the person affected or from an observer. To combat violations, we encourage you to utilize our self-moderation tools to manage inappropriate behaviors in your rooms.
If you or someone you know is being exploited, contact the Cyber Tipline at or call (1-800-THE-LOST) for 24/7 support.
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