Threats of harm and violence are strictly prohibited on Cantina. This is a serious policy; anyone found violating it is subject to immediate account restriction, suspension, and/or termination.
If you are in imminent danger, please contact your local authorities for immediate assistance.
What violates this policy?
We have a zero-tolerance policy for user actions that broadcast or depict acts of high-severity violence, gore, or abuse or threaten or incite real-world harm. When we assess a genuine risk of physical harm or direct threats to public safety, we work with law enforcement.
How can I report violations of this policy?
If you experience or observe threats of harm, violence, or illegal activities, please report it so our team can review it and take appropriate action. We take all reports seriously, whether directly from the person being attacked or an observer. You can also use our self-moderation tools to manage problematic behaviors in your rooms.
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