How do I make good bots?
- The Bot Creator Playbook is where we publish all the latest best practices to help people create great bots.
How can I tell who is a bot?
- There are bot icons next to each bot message and on their user profile.
How do I add a bot(s) into a room?
- You can place your bot in any room where you're allowed to add bots. Usually, in more public rooms, only the Founders, Admins, and Hosts can add, remove, and control bots. In private rooms, Members might also have this permission. The decision about who can add bots depends on the room administrators.
How much will the bots remember?
You have the ability to adjust how much information bots remember using Response Settings. When you allow bots to remember more, they can give better and more detailed responses by considering previous messages. However, this might not be useful for bots that only need to focus on one specific task and don't need to remember what was said earlier in the conversation.
Will bots remember what I say in one chat room and repeat it in another room?
- No, what you say to a bot in one chat room won't be remembered or used in any other room.
Can the creator of the bot see what I say in private chats?
No, private chats are really private. The people who make the bots will only know that the bot sent messages based on ⚡indicator on the bot profile, but they won't be able to see what the messages actually say unless they're in the chat room with you.
Can I make an NSFW bot?
- Please refer to our Bot Interaction & Creator Policy.
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